If you’re like me you’ve always felt young, free, outgoing and down to get live at the drop of a dime. Yup, I’ve been running these streets, chasing my dreams and tinkering with bullshit for a decade or two. My vision changed, the person some of you know has evolved and it’s something that happens from the moment you are conceived. You grow and glow physically and mentally {I hope}.
My childless, yet ‘all you bishes is my son’s’ ass played the role of the fun aunt, cousin and god mom for years. Not only was my bonding relieving the parent for a few hours but I ensured my little homies and I had an experience and I adapted to their needs.
Needs, you’re probably thinking what does a child need aside from the basic necessities? They need guidance to be steered on the right path. Clarity, for understanding. Education, to exceed their ancestors wildest dreams. Love, to feel appreciated and supported and etc.
Children are brand new to this thing called life, so majority of the time they have a fresh pair of eyes, a shit load of questions and unfiltered statements based off of observations. Why is it that so many people get mad at children for asking questions or when they don’t know something? I guess everyone forgot that WE {adults} are all out here on a quest for knowledge for the betterment of our lives to be all namaste and shit? If we approached our situations in life like a child we’d be less uptight, inquisitive as fuck and honest regardless of how it made the other person feel.
So the next time you feel that you are taking yourself too serious or you’re afraid to ask questions and make demands think about those new earth comers; the ones that will ask for what they want, when they want it and don’t give two fucks about it and say:
“How would a fearless child handle this?”