2. Compromising means a little to some and nothing to others.
3. Breaking away from the crowd can open you up to new people and different experiences.
4. Some people are books, some are bookshelf’s and some are bookmarks.
5. Just because the cover has character doesn’t mean the insides will have depth.
6. Some books aren’t meant to be reread.
7. Everyday that you wake up you get to choose how you will present yourself to the world.
8. There will always be a bridge between what you want and have but It’s up to you to decide how you’ll get over it.
9. Everything starts and ends with you, so learn how to save yourself as a just in case.
10. Be mindful of what you say and show people because some people can’t let things go.
11. By approaching all of your problems from a responsible standpoint you will be more prone to receiving help and less to receiving backlash.
12. You can’t help everybody and that’s ok.
You can help yourself though! The “Fuck Shit Up in 2018 Empowerment Planner” was created to help you help yourself! Have you gottten your copy? If not the links below.